[TC-AC] Thundercats Alpha Company

Don't think twice, Think Thundercats Alpha Company!!


1 step up from the original Thundercats clan, [TCAT], Thundercats Alpha Company, [TC-AC], is created for the more competitive players who want to play clan battles like skirmishes, stronkhold battles, tank companies and eventually clan wars.

At least 16 years old?
KV-85 in the garage?
TS3 installed and speaking english?
Eager to play clan battles like Tank Company and Stronkhold?
Then maybe you got what it takes to be a Thundercat...

Contact OVERKILL76 or another staff member for more information.1 step up from the original Thundercats clan, [TCAT], Thundercats Alpha Company, [TC-AC], is created for the more competitive players who want to play clan battles like skirmishes, stronkhold battles, tank companies and eventually clan wars.

At least 16 years old?
KV-85 in the garage?
TS3 installed and speaking english?
Eager to play clan battles like Tank Company and Stronkhold?
Then maybe you got what it takes to be a Thundercat...

Contact OVERKILL76 or another staff memb

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 1

Ø Bitew10341
Ø WN81501,17
Ø Procent zwycięstw53,26%

Członkowie klanu

#Nazwa gracza30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Procent zwycięstwIlość bitewOstatnia bitwaStopieńDołączył

Statystyki potyczki

#Nazwa gracza7D Battles30D Battles

Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData