[HABGR] Hellenic_Armored_Battalion

Υπό σκιηί μαχόμενοι


HABGR is a clan that is focused on Stronghold Team battles random battles and CW.
From the players we require activity and team play.
Clan offers a constant team play and good competition against good clans around Europe region

What is required to become a member of the clan:
- Activity, participation, collaboration in CW and Stronghold battles
- TS3 ~ Skype or in game voice chat is mandatory when playing CW, SH and Advance
- At least 2 tier VI tanks for SH battles
- At least 2 tier VIII tanks for SH battles
-At least 1 tier X tank for SH battles

Recruiting new members:
- SteelPantherGr
- ReaperGr

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 11

Ø Bitew9155
Ø WN8740,68
Ø Procent zwycięstw47,05%

Członkowie klanu

Statystyki potyczki


Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
ReaperGrOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
teenager22Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
19Nikolas84Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
promen_225Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
Warhawk_AvengerOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
TRYF_1999Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
SteelPantherGROpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
XrusanthosOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
Andy_LakyOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
Nickolas2001_1Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
georgejimmy98Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC