[E-E-F] Estonian Elite Force

Our clan is for those who are active and engaged in clan activities


Clann is also looking for competent officers !!!!!
Clann on 07/08/2018 again active!
* There should be two tier 8 and two tier X tanks to join Clann and it would be nice to play too !!

* Only English and Estonian speaking clan
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Contact the clan to join:
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Rules !!

Our clann is only for active members !!!!!
It is advisable to play in the evening from 19:00 - 23:30 (In order to engage in clan activities)
All proposals for the development of the clan are welcomed by all members.
Discord is mandatory.

* ----- If not active in WOT and Discord, then we will remove the clan !!! ----


Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 4

Ø Bitew13222
Ø WN8792,53
Ø Procent zwycięstw47,76%

Członkowie klanu

Statystyki potyczki


Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
rusikas76Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
teraspatsOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
AgicOpuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC
eeter1Opuścił klan 24.12.2024, 21:17 UTC