[RADLR] Radicalization

"Dude i'm telling you she knows where i go" "they have a monkey, we can use a cat"


RADLR is a clan with deeply rooted members of the WOT community, we are a clan within the JUDGEMENT community and thus operate with them, while offering our own unique blend of community and structure.

Please message any officer of the clan to set up evaluations and discord information.
we offer:
The tried and true method of clan pictures being memes to boost moral.
Competitive focus.
some delusional clan founders trying to build a mega-community .
Actual opportunity to be part of community, rather than behind closed doors.

What we want out of you:
2K or above recent's with your tier tens. we don't care about anything but tier ten.
6 meta tanks so that our callers aren't using E5's all day. (277/5A/CS/STB/50B/EBR/E100)
a Focus on running clan wars, Global map, and Communication.
Ability to healthily communicate and coordinate with tightly formed groups of players.

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 1

Ø Bitew36
Ø WN82883,15
Ø Procent zwycięstw72,22%

Członkowie klanu

#Nazwa gracza30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Procent zwycięstwIlość bitewOstatnia bitwaStopieńDołączył

Statystyki potyczki

#Nazwa gracza7D Battles30D Battles

Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData