[DCG] Danger Close Gaming

"As soon as there is life there is danger."- Ralph Waldo Emerson


Danger Close is a highly competitive and teamwork oriented clan. Our plan is to be a home for both WGLNA players, as well as for regular and serious skirmish players. Because our members are focused on these, our main role will be a place for like minded and skilled players to get together to platoon, play team battles, strongholds, as well as to find or form new teams for the WGLNA, skirmishes and other tournaments.

Stat Requirements:
-1750+ overall WN8 with 2300 recent
-1500+ overall WN8 with 2500 recent
-53% win rate overall and 58% recent

For additional information vist our recruiting post Here.

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 2

Ø Bitew22802
Ø WN81528,11
Ø Procent zwycięstw52,11%

Członkowie klanu

#Nazwa gracza30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Procent zwycięstwIlość bitewOstatnia bitwaStopieńDołączył
2lakespookie0,0001389,7250,75%13260Oficer kadrowy

Statystyki potyczki

#Nazwa gracza7D Battles30D Battles

Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
nottasOpuścił klan
lakespookieOpuścił klan