Australia joining forces with our American Allies to win against our Foe


Rules of ANZCS Clan

Please be respectful to your fellow Clan Members - Do not abuse them
Please be respectful to your fellow WOT players - Do not Abuse fellow Wargaming Members
Enjoy the Game - remember at the end of the day it is only a game
If you like Tooning let other members know, it gives you more of a fighting chance working together
If you know of anyone else that might be interested in joining let use know so we can discuss with you

Reserves will be available once we have more Funds
We are looking for people to take on Senior rolls if your interested let us know

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 2

Ø Bitew5651
Ø WN81232,85
Ø Procent zwycięstw48,18%

Członkowie klanu

#Nazwa gracza30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Procent zwycięstwIlość bitewOstatnia bitwaStopieńDołączył
2aussiebogan0,000878,2246,94%9073Oficer wykonawczy

Statystyki potyczki

#Nazwa gracza7D Battles30D Battles

Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
aussieboganOpuścił klan
aussiebogan2Opuścił klan