[AGOGD] Agoge Delta

Learn, Practice, Execute and Kill


Agoge Delta is a clan of easy-going people who are seriously focused on learning game play to become better players in general; but, with the ability to compete effectively in skirmishes. We will build from skirmishes to Advances, Global Map and Tournaments as the clan skills improve.
We operate as a committee in how the clan progresses, sharing responsibilities and duties. Clan recruitment is by invitation or application only. All recruitment applications are reviewed by a committee of clan officers, must meet certain qualifications, and be approved by a majority before acceptance.
Participation in the clan is required which involves playing in Tier VI and VIII skirmishes per direction of the committee. Platooning with fellow clan members is always encouraged.
We believe very strongly in communication which includes the use of TeamSpeak and Discord, particularly during clan battles. The use is mandatory.

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 46

Ø Bitew21507
Ø WN81152,07
Ø Procent zwycięstw49,06%

Członkowie klanu


Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
Far_Too_CanadianDołączył15.02.2025, 21:20 UTC
GistukovOpuścił klan 14.02.2025, 15:01 UTC
brewer0601Opuścił klan 14.02.2025, 15:01 UTC
ddrummond12Opuścił klan 12.02.2025, 15:01 UTC