[-TDC-] The Devestator Corps

Were Hell on Wheels


Our clan is recruiting tier 3-8 tankers to fight on the Global Map for Global Supremacy. If you would like to join, simply either PM one of our Recruiters, or send an application.We do clan wars 1 a week, sometimes twice a week.When we do Clan Wars, we mostly WIN(We also do clan wars campaigns for the reserve players who want to see some action).Teamspeak 3 is not required in this clan. This Clan is guaranteed the best Clan you will EVER be in. The Devastator Corps Rule! (If you have any questions about the clan contact noman223 or one of the ex officers ) Also important information until we receive enough clan members you will be made a recruiter and will have a recruiting station when logged in here at the clan page. When in battle or anywhere try and recruit as many tankers as you can new tankers or experienced ones well recruit you. good luck and happy hunting

Our site is http://TheDevestatorCorps.enjin.com/

Statystyki klanu

Liczba członków klanu: 2

Ø Bitew5339
Ø WN8732,30
Ø Procent zwycięstw48,96%

Członkowie klanu

#Nazwa gracza30D WN830D BattlesWN8Ø Procent zwycięstwIlość bitewOstatnia bitwaStopieńDołączył
1Ziel0,0001090,5849,93%3785Oficer wykonawczy

Statystyki potyczki

#Nazwa gracza7D Battles30D Battles

Historia klanu

Nazwa graczaZmianaData
qwerty228_ironOpuścił klan