- 他喵的這班亞洲人打金彈ぽい。
- WTF Those Asians are shooting golds poi ?
- 禁止惡意TK ,AFK及拖排ぽい。
- TK ,AFK and Troll platoon is NOT allowed in this Clan poi.
- 本會乃"島民"專屬公會ぽい, 一般情況下只限"島民"加入ぽい。
- This Clan is a private club for the "Islander" poi,normally only approve "Islander" to join poi.
- 申請加入時請以"島民"的方式表明身份ぽい。
- Please prove you are "Islander" when applying to join poi.
- 不要問我島在哪ぽい。
- Don't ask me where is The Island poi.